Lizzie foolishly walks away from her computer in search of a popsicle. Pat enters, takes seat upon Lizzie's squishy balance ball thing, strokes chin mischievously, and begins to type.
"Dear people in Lizzie's life:
This is Pat, Lizzie’s younger brother. Soon I'll have my own account on this blog and permissions to publish in her absence. But for now, don’t be fooled by the name down there, this is 'Authority' speaking.
Anyway, back to my point, Lizzie's absence. On August 22, mi hermana will be leaving on a jet plane for
But here's the deal, there are some ground rules for the blog:
(1) This will be my sister's main way of communicating with all people in the
(2) You can e-mail her at, or send her a message on facebook, but don't expect an immediate response, or even that she'll receive it within a short period of time. She's probably going to have very limited internet access for very short intervals. So here is my brilliant advice to you if you want Lizzie to see what you have to say to her: post the comment on the blog. It's easy, you click on the comment thingy next to the posting time. She will read them on a (ir)regular basis.
(3) You can post comments to anything that my sister (or I) may write, but Lizzie has a massively multicultural group of friends and family that will be reading this blog - seriously people, from college friends to church members and grandparents. So, for you college students with your colorful language who like to call my sister slightly altered in the middle of the night, watch it. Not everything you find acceptable will please my grandmommy. I'm watching all of you."
Pat sneezes. He then notices that 20 minutes have passed and remembers that he ate the last popsicle. He closes and locks Lizzie's bedroom door with a chuckle.
"(4) With that, if you're going to get personal and cry to my poor sister while she's over 3,000 miles away, take a little more effort and e-mail her. You already know her e-mail address (like, um, up ^)... so keep the personal whining on the blog to a minimum. She's a nice kid and won't mind e-mails, but if it's within my range of power (i.e. the blog) we might have some issues, people. One other thing though, "The Doctor Is In" service that I frequently overhear many of you people calling for over your love life crisis', etc., will be temporarily unavailable. Please let her enjoy
(5) If a posting is in Spanish, and you don't know Spanish, it probably doesn't pertain to you. Please, kindly, get over it. :) I will too, 'cause I don't know da Espanol.
(6) She's not always going to be able to post. If she can't post at a certain point in time (like if she's not in
(7) FYI, in all seriousness, my sister's blog is public, and for a reason. If you know people who know her, feel free to share this address. But DO NOT harass my 5 foot, 3 inch "little" sister. Note: uncle has access to many jet planes, I take the general respect of my family seriously, and I expect it. I also often have a few days to kill. Last summer my sister was attacked by a squirrel... if you can find that squirrel, ask it how it's doing. Last I checked it had taken up knitting and extensive community service as a daily routine."
Lizzie begins to knock furiously. Pat looks around for means of escape.
"(8) Last - remember, Lizzie isn't leaving the U.S. until August 22. You may be reading this sometime in May - June - July - and/or early August, but she's not going to be posting on a regular basis until sometime around when she leaves. For now, she'll be teaching little kiddies to climb/hug trees at a summer camp (go ahead and laugh at her, I certainly am) and will be working for 11 weeks in
And that concludes this segment of Pat's power trip. Like I said, I will soon be an author of this blog, so don't be fooled by the girly name for now. This is Pat. Peace people. Pat out."
Pat flees the scene.