18 May, 2007


Hey y'all. This is the blog website that I'm going to be using once I go down to Ecuador in August. Feel free to read it (and to write) so that we can keep in touch. I'm going to miss all of you mucho mucho!!!


Anonymous said...


Cannot get used to that name after all this time.

Gracias por el em. Nosotros glad que you arrived bien y are tengoing un bien time seeing la ciudad. Lynne says hello tambien y soy sure que ella will write to you pronto.
Jerry y Lynne

Anonymous said...

Jerry y Lynne,

I cannot get used to the name either, she will always be Lindsey to me....

With that said, perhaps your position as on-site, grandparents have something to do with it!

Thanks for all the years of love and I hope you are enjoying this as much as me!
