22 August, 2007

adios a los ee.uu.

Going to SBC for a few days was wonderful and so much fun. It was great to see everyone before leaving for Quito (except that I'm sad I wasn't able to see Caroline and Mal). I didn't think I would have these kind of memories to bring with me from junior year. If you were at SBC last weekend you know what I'm talking about... Megan (Harlem J. Sac)... Alysha ("that's not a problem, that's what you normally do at a red light")... Laurel (InternationalQuiznosSub!!)... Laura (about the dancing)... to name a few. My poster and bear are treasures and I am going to keep them close every day for the next year. I love all of you tons and tons and I'll miss you very much. Laurel, the fountain it's running in January so when I come visit you're going to have to think of something really awesome to top Monday. :)

I leave for the airport in an hour. I need to go take a shower and get ready to go. I'll write again as soon as I get a chance.

Otra vez, mucho amor a mis amigas de la escula. Tengo mucho suerte para tener amigas como las de SBC. Y mi amiga Megan, necesitas hablar mucho mucho mucho para molestar al profe durante la clase porque no puedo ayudarte. Pero puedes ser buena sin yo. Abrazos y besos por todas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just thought the "Mom's" would fill you in while Lizzie's headed down south. As normal, Lizzie stretched the limits of the airport security, carrying more than the approved 2 bags. And despite her upper body strength, the one bag will require the assistance of a strong gentleman as there is no way she can lift it in an overhead bin by herself. It's full of....well, she took everything but the kitchen sink. Oh and 152 energy bars, 3 gallons of protein shakes, gum and iodine so she can survive in S.A. (assuming that she can't find bottled water). She made sure to pack the new "cuddle bear" and poster her SBC friends presented her this week. She of course made sure we all knew exactly what wonderful friends she has.

It's now 6PM EDT which means she should be in Houston waiting for the next flight. She expects to be hooking up with some of the other students down there before leaving the US. Since there's been no frantic phone call, we believe all is well. That's it from the Mom Squad! Back to you Pat!