04 September, 2007

I don't have a whole lot of time right now to write about classes - but, they've started, they're going well, and I'm learning Spanish like crazy.

I met my host dad last night. He's really cool. He spends most of his time at our family's farm outside of the city. I haven't been able to get to know him too well yet because he just got home yesterday and classes are already keeping me busy. I think I'll learn a lot from him - he was telling me all about Latin American politics and culture (as he ate his supper of frosted flakes and chocolate milk). I got lucky with having an awesome host family.

Over the weekend I got into a fight with some kind of bug and I think it won. I have three bite marks on my leg. A few days ago they looked similar to mosquito bites... but now they are huge and swollen and solid black in color. Gladys, one of our directors, thinks they're spider bites. My host mom thinks they're from a fly. If it was a fly, that was one powerful and hardcore fly. The day I got them I also had swelling in my face and lips. The bugs down here are intense. I'm hoping my leg will go back to a normal color sometime soon.

I have two more classes tonight and then lots of work (already!). I'll write more about how they're going sometime soon... like after I've been to all of them at least once. :)


Anonymous said...

Spider bites are no good. Have them checked...

Did the ...creature, with eyes meet the same fate at the one that bit you on the behind on the way to SC? If so, you really are turning into a killer....

So sorry I missed your call! I ... assume that was you calling me from some bizarre number.... I had some very colorful things to say when I saw the number!

Glad things are well. You sound busy and happy and that is wonderful. You must teach your host dad that he needs to watch cartoons when having that type of dinner...then get some cookies and see if he knows how to play poker!

Anonymous said...

From what it sounds like things are really starting to get going. I hope the classes all go well and that you are happy with the Spanish you will be learning. Be careful of the bugs and try not to get bit. I'm sure there are many you have never seen before.
It was good to talk to you on Monday. You sound very happy and excited. Judi and I are very happy for you.
Let us know what you think of the classes once you have gotten settled in.