17 October, 2007
Back in Quito
Since I am taking forever with this Galapagos posting (I’m sorry!! I’ll explain why below) I decided to update about what has been going on since getting back to Quito. It’s already been a week and it has gone by really, really quickly.
The 6-week, 6-credit Spanish class at PUCE is over. I’m not going to lie… I’m really not all that bummed out about this. I now have 3½ hours added to each day that I can either spend at home with my family, use for other classes (which are getting harder and harder), or go out around Quito and see and learn more about the culture. I learned quite a bit during the Spanish PUCE class, but I’m glad it’s over.
My other classes are going well. The environmental one is my favorite - by far - but the other two also have a lot to offer. The reason that I have been taking so long to write about the Galapagos trip has to do with a massive paper and homework assignment. We had to journal the entire Galapagos trip. Now that we’re back in Quito we have to turn it more into a formal-type paper… that is still like a journal, too… figure that one out (and let me know if you do because I'm still trying a week later). Regardless, it has taken up a ton of my time and I’m still not done with it. But I’m getting there. Once it’s finished I’ll post it (sorry, it’s going to be in Spanish) and then I will rewrite an English version as quickly as I can. That part shouldn't take too long.
Yesterday we had an exam in the literature class. I’m doing really well so far... I just hope I can keep it up. It’s a great class, but definitely intense. We’re on to our 3rd novel – of seven – and our professor is keeping us busy. Honestly though the only complaint that I have about literature is that it meets at 6pm. My brain is academically done by that time of day so sitting though class and understanding everything is kind of tough.
Religion is good too but so, so, so hard. This class is at PUCE with the mumbling professor who the Ecuadorians have a hard time getting a good grade from. Not to mention that he still spends a good part of his time talking in Quichua. It makes me so confused! I’m just going to do the best that I can and hope that I end up getting credit for the class. If I don’t I guess it’s not the end of the world – I’m still learning a lot.
I’ve wondered over the past two years if I should have gone to a bigger school than SBC… or if I should have stayed closer to the city. I’ve gotten a good does of both atmospheres this semester and I now know – without any doubt in my mind – that SBC is the right place for me. I feel so suffocated in the city (I miss the woods a ton!). And, after getting used to an environment like the Briar, it is strange to not know (or at least be an acquaintance with) all of the other students. PUCE and Quito have both been - and are - great experiences that I wouldn’t trade away for anything… but I’m glad to be in southern VA,away from the city, and at a small school.
But none of this is to say that I am unhappy down here. I feel like I am finally completely settled into this new life and environment. And I am doing well with it. Classes and school feel more natural to me than they did before… and home feels like home, not just a temporary homestay. Next Monday will mark the half way point for my time down here. I can’t believe the time has gone so fast. The scary part is that I know that the second half will fly by even faster now that I'm settled.
Homesickness has also gotten to be much better. I’m glad because for a little while I was having a hard time with it. I still miss home – especially my orange bedroom that is environmentalist paradise … and comes complete with an adorable 13-pound sheltie – but the homesickness is not as much of an intense feeling as it was before. I think a combination of time passing, getting settled, getting more into the intense parts of the semester… stuff like this, has all really helped. And, like I already said and know, the remaining two months down here are going to fly. I do miss peanut butter. That’s my big drama of missing the U.S. right now. And, if I would just make some effort and go to the store I’m sure I could find some peanut butter down here. Still, there’s just something better about it when it comes out of my dad’s fridge at home and Pat and his friends have hit it up hardcore while I wasn’t home.
The rainy season in Ecuador doesn’t technically start until December. However, Quito is a little different. For the past 10 days or so it has been raining almost everyday. It doesn’t rain all day, but when it does there is A LOT of it. It’s frequently accompanied by lots of thunder and lightning, too. It makes the city seem very different. I’ve noticed some other things too over the past few weeks, mostly just by observation and getting more used to the city/culture. Simple things… but still, worth knowing…
1. Due to high altitudes and pressure changes, it’s a bad idea to try to open something that has been sealed air-tight anywhere in the near proximity of your mouth. I’d tell you the whole story but a mouthful of face lotion should be enough said - make up the rest, you’re probably right.
2. Walking into poles on the street won’t bring anything positive to your day. In fact, you’re likely to have 4 nosebleeds over the next week as a result. Ecuadorians will also look at you funny. And to top it all off, it really kind of hurts.
3. The word for ‘single’ is “soltera”. The word for ‘married’ is “casada”. When traveling with a cab driver, if the word ‘soltera’ is to come up, the answer is always“no”. On the other hand, if the word ‘casada’ is to come up the answer is always “sí”. Furthermore, if the question ¿A quién? happens to follow the ‘casada’ conversation the answer is always “El es un ecuatoriano y trabaja con el gobierno y la policía”. They stop with the questions pretty quickly after that and you can enjoy the cab ride in peace.
4. The U.S. isn?t the only country that has a huge problem with putting Christmas decorations out too early. September 29th was the first day I saw decorations - it’s been all downhill from there. Yesterday I saw a full out billboard. No bueno.
5. There is no cure to dry skin down here. I’m convinced.
I’m going to go do some reading for religion and get ready for class this afternoon. I miss everyone back home and I hope you’re all doing well. I’ll get the Galapagos stuff up soon (complete with more photos).
¡Abrazos! Lizzie
p.s. I got an adorable card from Emma today -- ¡¡muchas gracias¡¡
p.p.s. Someone asked in an e-mail or message or something when my birthday is (sorry, I don't remember who). It's December 5th... I'll still be down here.
p.p.p.s. Helen - I LOVE YOU!!! :-)
The 6-week, 6-credit Spanish class at PUCE is over. I’m not going to lie… I’m really not all that bummed out about this. I now have 3½ hours added to each day that I can either spend at home with my family, use for other classes (which are getting harder and harder), or go out around Quito and see and learn more about the culture. I learned quite a bit during the Spanish PUCE class, but I’m glad it’s over.
My other classes are going well. The environmental one is my favorite - by far - but the other two also have a lot to offer. The reason that I have been taking so long to write about the Galapagos trip has to do with a massive paper and homework assignment. We had to journal the entire Galapagos trip. Now that we’re back in Quito we have to turn it more into a formal-type paper… that is still like a journal, too… figure that one out (and let me know if you do because I'm still trying a week later). Regardless, it has taken up a ton of my time and I’m still not done with it. But I’m getting there. Once it’s finished I’ll post it (sorry, it’s going to be in Spanish) and then I will rewrite an English version as quickly as I can. That part shouldn't take too long.
Yesterday we had an exam in the literature class. I’m doing really well so far... I just hope I can keep it up. It’s a great class, but definitely intense. We’re on to our 3rd novel – of seven – and our professor is keeping us busy. Honestly though the only complaint that I have about literature is that it meets at 6pm. My brain is academically done by that time of day so sitting though class and understanding everything is kind of tough.
Religion is good too but so, so, so hard. This class is at PUCE with the mumbling professor who the Ecuadorians have a hard time getting a good grade from. Not to mention that he still spends a good part of his time talking in Quichua. It makes me so confused! I’m just going to do the best that I can and hope that I end up getting credit for the class. If I don’t I guess it’s not the end of the world – I’m still learning a lot.
I’ve wondered over the past two years if I should have gone to a bigger school than SBC… or if I should have stayed closer to the city. I’ve gotten a good does of both atmospheres this semester and I now know – without any doubt in my mind – that SBC is the right place for me. I feel so suffocated in the city (I miss the woods a ton!). And, after getting used to an environment like the Briar, it is strange to not know (or at least be an acquaintance with) all of the other students. PUCE and Quito have both been - and are - great experiences that I wouldn’t trade away for anything… but I’m glad to be in southern VA,away from the city, and at a small school.
But none of this is to say that I am unhappy down here. I feel like I am finally completely settled into this new life and environment. And I am doing well with it. Classes and school feel more natural to me than they did before… and home feels like home, not just a temporary homestay. Next Monday will mark the half way point for my time down here. I can’t believe the time has gone so fast. The scary part is that I know that the second half will fly by even faster now that I'm settled.
Homesickness has also gotten to be much better. I’m glad because for a little while I was having a hard time with it. I still miss home – especially my orange bedroom that is environmentalist paradise … and comes complete with an adorable 13-pound sheltie – but the homesickness is not as much of an intense feeling as it was before. I think a combination of time passing, getting settled, getting more into the intense parts of the semester… stuff like this, has all really helped. And, like I already said and know, the remaining two months down here are going to fly. I do miss peanut butter. That’s my big drama of missing the U.S. right now. And, if I would just make some effort and go to the store I’m sure I could find some peanut butter down here. Still, there’s just something better about it when it comes out of my dad’s fridge at home and Pat and his friends have hit it up hardcore while I wasn’t home.
The rainy season in Ecuador doesn’t technically start until December. However, Quito is a little different. For the past 10 days or so it has been raining almost everyday. It doesn’t rain all day, but when it does there is A LOT of it. It’s frequently accompanied by lots of thunder and lightning, too. It makes the city seem very different. I’ve noticed some other things too over the past few weeks, mostly just by observation and getting more used to the city/culture. Simple things… but still, worth knowing…
1. Due to high altitudes and pressure changes, it’s a bad idea to try to open something that has been sealed air-tight anywhere in the near proximity of your mouth. I’d tell you the whole story but a mouthful of face lotion should be enough said - make up the rest, you’re probably right.
2. Walking into poles on the street won’t bring anything positive to your day. In fact, you’re likely to have 4 nosebleeds over the next week as a result. Ecuadorians will also look at you funny. And to top it all off, it really kind of hurts.
3. The word for ‘single’ is “soltera”. The word for ‘married’ is “casada”. When traveling with a cab driver, if the word ‘soltera’ is to come up, the answer is always“no”. On the other hand, if the word ‘casada’ is to come up the answer is always “sí”. Furthermore, if the question ¿A quién? happens to follow the ‘casada’ conversation the answer is always “El es un ecuatoriano y trabaja con el gobierno y la policía”. They stop with the questions pretty quickly after that and you can enjoy the cab ride in peace.
4. The U.S. isn?t the only country that has a huge problem with putting Christmas decorations out too early. September 29th was the first day I saw decorations - it’s been all downhill from there. Yesterday I saw a full out billboard. No bueno.
5. There is no cure to dry skin down here. I’m convinced.
I’m going to go do some reading for religion and get ready for class this afternoon. I miss everyone back home and I hope you’re all doing well. I’ll get the Galapagos stuff up soon (complete with more photos).
¡Abrazos! Lizzie
p.s. I got an adorable card from Emma today -- ¡¡muchas gracias¡¡
p.p.s. Someone asked in an e-mail or message or something when my birthday is (sorry, I don't remember who). It's December 5th... I'll still be down here.
p.p.p.s. Helen - I LOVE YOU!!! :-)
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so... sort of combining two of your observations which I'm pretty sure have nothing to do with each other: My grandmother says that if you put vaseline in your nose, it keeps it from getting dry so you won't get nose bleeds. I'm pretty sure it won't build a small shield to protect your nose from errant lamp posts, but it's worth a shot.
I'm jealous of your classes. They sound amazing (and hard). You should go do a little celebratory Latin American dance for me though because I brought my Chem exam grade up by 20 points!! I still got a C, but 20 points!! and I didn't fail this time. It was exciting!
I love you. A lot. and I miss you. also a lot. :)
- Helen
This was a very nice posting. I am very glad that you are sounding very relaxed and happy. We all miss you too, but enjoy the remaining time you have in Quito and absorb as much the language and culture as you can while you can.
As you said, it will be over before we all know it. I am looking forward to reading your Galapagos paper and more pictures when you can post them.
Until then, take care (don't walk into any poles, it's bad for your nose and dry skin) we all love you and Logan says hi.
Hey, juct checking in...
Miss you!
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