15 November, 2007

Some Photos

How cool is that!?

The river that we stayed near ... two weeks before this photo the river was 4 meters higher! The land changes a ton from day to day.

Okay so this might just look like a tree... I'm about a foot shorter than that root at the bottom of the photo.


Anonymous said...

Love the bird!

About the height thing...are trying to say that the tree is big?

Lizzie said...

I'm short but I'm not THAT short. Yes the tree was huge. We went up in the canopy of a "young" one - we were 135 feet up and it had only grown to 1/4 of the size it would get to be.

Lizzie said...
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Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures, dear! It looks like you're having a spectacular time traveling. I hope classes are going well, too... I know crunch time is coming up.
When do you leave for the states? I want to send you another letter, but I want to make sure you'll get it.
Love in teacups and pails and swimming pools.