My last few weeks down here have been wonderful. I’m not going to write too much about everything because I’ll see you all so soon and I really just don’t have the time to write right now. But if you want to know anything about what has been going on feel free to ask me when you see me! :-)
My 21st birthday was great. It was simple and fun. I went running in the morning and then over to IES to finish up some last minute things on my environmental final paper. Four of my closest friends down here came to my homestay for lunch (my host mom taught me how to cook Ecuadorian food!!) and then we went out into downtown and the Mariscal area of Quito to play for the afternoon and evening. Quito’s foundation day is Dec 6th … but they party here from Nov 28th until Dec 5th. Dec 5th is the biggest night (a great day for a 21st birthday!!) and then there is very little on the 6th itself. Anyway, it was a great day because the whole city way partying and even though I don’t drink I still had a ton of fun. I also called home - AND THERE WAS SNOW!! - so I didn't have any reason to feel homesick. I knew all was well.

The IES students and host families went on a chiva too. “Chiva” is pretty much the fancy word for a large drunk bus without walls/sides to it that drives all over the city celebrating the foundation. Drinking, alcohol, a band on top and flags are all involved. Again, no alcohol for me, but a great experience nevertheless. We had so much fun!
I went to Baños late last week with my religion class. Baños is a small town that is known for being environmentally friendly and perfect for outdoor adventure sports. We were supposed to come back on Saturday afternoon. I didn’t make it back to Quito until Monday afternoon ... about an hour before my environmental exam was scheduled to begin. I LOVED this town. It involved playing with a baby tigruillo (like a baby tiger, kind of), cable cars over 250-foot cliffs, hiking, endless taffy eating, watching an active volcano spew stuff, mountain biking and so much more. I have made one really close friend while being in Ecuador – Zita – and she came down for two days. I spent about half my time with my class and the rest with Zita. It was a weekend I don’t think I’ll ever forget. I wish I had more time to write about it.

[Playing with Zita in Imbabura... as Helen said "way to be a grown up". Hahaha whatever! I have a reputation to protect and it isn't everyday you come across Tigger and Dino in Latin America.]
Anyway, I have essays to edit and a presentation to practice… studying to be done… packing to be started… things to do. I miss you all back at home but I know I’ll be seeing you soon! I hope all you girls at SBC are surviving finals okay!!!! I’ve been thinking about you.
Take care everyone!!
I am already waiting in the cell phone park and ride at BWI. Let me know when to drive by and grab you.
Can't wait to get you home.
The adventure will never end. Judi and I will see you tonight.
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