05 September, 2007

Classes have started and they’re great – tough, but great. There were a ton of last minute changes at PUCE and I had to make some adjustments to my schedule. I feel a lot better now that things are settled and I know that this new schedule will workout.

So, it is,

(1) Spanish/Ecuadorian Culture Studies – this is a six week class that is worth 6 credits. It has “intensivo” in the title and I’ve learned in three days that that part is no joke. We have class everyday (Mon-Fri) from 9am until 12:15pm. It is long and I always leave with my brain hurting. But – it’s a good jumpstart to some serious intensive Spanish learning/immersion/review. It is going to be an intense 6 weeks, but I think this class will be worth it and I’ll be glad I took it.

(2) Religion of the Andes – of all the classes I’m taking, this one is going to totally kick my butt. It is taught at PUCE and with all Ecuadorian students. It’s about religion but is technically out of the Anthropology department (which I don’t know much about). The class is 500 level and the professor is said to be one of the hardest. But, according to my entrance exam and our director “puedes, no te preocupa” Yeah, well see. I’m really interested in the topic. I think I’ll just be spending a lot of time in the book. The other problem with this class: PUCE’s semester doesn’t end until 18 Jan. I have to take my final over a month early and teach myself the material!!

(3) Environment!!! One of my two favorites – just because it’s environment. We’re learning a ton about the ecosystems and environmental problems of Latin America (more Ecuador, specifically, but Latin America as a whole too). Later this semester we’re going to go to the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon. :)

(4) Andean Literature – this is the other class that I think will be one of my favorites. I love reading. Having an excuse to read novel after novel makes me very happy. Our professor isn’t rushing us and he’s willing to help out with whatever we need. We’re reading 5 novels this semester (two of which are pretty long), and an additional 2 if we have time. It’s going to be so much fun.

I’m pretty happy about classes. They’re a bit stressful just because there is so much Spanish to take in in such a short period of time. But everyday I know more than I did the day before. The way they add credits down here is a bit strange. After the 6 week/6 credit class I’ll only have 3 classes to go to… but I’ll still be working on 10 credits. Normally I wouldn’t like the idea of this, but I think I’m going to need more time near the end of the semester – as more reading assignments are given and I’m getting ready to take that final a month early.

So for all my SBC friends, I had a total Lizzie-is-an-idiot moment yesterday and none of you were there to laugh at me!! It made me kind of sad.
I was on my way to PUCE (about a 15 minute bus ride - south from my house) for my morning class. The buses don’t run as frequently during the early hours. I got to the street where I normally pick up the bus and I waited for a few minutes… but none passed. So I started walking in the direction that I had to go and decided that as soon as one was coming down the street I would get on. I walked for a long time and got to an intersection that was more like a huge traffic circle. It had 6 different streets connecting into it. Being tired, dumb and Lizzie, I took the wrong street. So finally a bus came – I got on it – and before I knew it, I was at the airport (10 minutes north of my house). Quito is huge and all I could do was laugh at myself. I sat there for a few minutes and watched as they loaded a plane (that was going to Italy!! I’m not going to lie, I seriously considered trying to pass as baggage). But seeing the airport made me a little homesick, so again I went bus hunting. I felt so dumb. But! I still made it to class on time thanks to running like a crazy person. Don’t worry SBC people, all my friends down here aren’t going to let me forget my issues with the bus. (Really, this is just one of many problems I’ve had) :)


Anonymous said...

Your classes sound interesting and right up your alley. The environment class sounds like I would enjoy it. Would love to take trips to the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon. Look forward to hearing how they go.

Anonymous said...

My dearest dizzy Miss Lizzie,

Your expedition to the airport is so cute. I'm glad you found the humor in it (believe me, today was chock full of those moments and I laughed the whole way through).

Yay! You have some exciting classes going on there! Having to take that final a month early is yucky (yes, yucky), but if there's anyone I know that can pull off something like that, it's you. Anyway, keep having fun and learn lots. And pay attention next time you're using public transportation. ;o)

Love you love you love you!

Ps~ You're bringing back a tortoise, right? We'll have plenty of space if we get a quad! (Hope that made you smile.) <3

Lizzie said...

oh becca it did - i love you! i'm not so sure about the turtle... they're huge down here. but i promise a photo with one??? :) kiss to you!

Anonymous said...

Not fair. Becca gets a turtle and I don't get a llama? (Hi Becca!)

Lots to tell, will send you an email this weekend! (No worries - all is fine)

Hector read your last blog entry to me aloud the other night. Somehow the whole experience...was different...haha!

Remember Granny, at least you don't think that there are different busses for each side of the street....

Think of you all the time and miss talking.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lizzie... I'm impressed with your directional skill. Your classes sound fabulous and so perfect for you. I'm terribly jealous of your trip to the Galapagos and the Amazon. Emma and I sat in my room today and missed you, but reading this definitely let us know that you are exactly the same no matter what continent you're on! I think next time you get lost you should try to arrive at your correct destination riding a pack animal of some sort.
Love and miss you lots!